Children's Footwear

What to look for in a good shoe?
Whilst The London Podiatry Centre does recommend certain brands on this site, specific models change too frequently. For more specific up to date advice on models of shoe we ask you to contact The London Podiatry Centre directly. Parents are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the specific features of a good shoe. However, please be aware that different shoes may be recommended based on the individual requirements of a child’s foot type and that it is possible that a shoe which we would recommend for one child might contraindicated in another. Specific features of a good paediatric shoe include:
- Firm heel cup
- Slight elevation (no more than 3-4mm) at heel
- Good flexibility of the forefoot (you should be able to bend this easily with your fingers
- Stiffness of the midpart of the shoe (you should not be able to bend the centre part of the shoe easily
- Good fastener (double Velcro, lace or strap)
- Reasonable height of heel counter. (in the case of a suspected flatter foot type, a higher heel cup will offer better support
Shoes to avoid:
shoes with insoles which support the arch as this may not conform to
your child’s foot shape and so cause comfort and fit issues.
Fashion shoes with higher heels or any unusual gimmicky features
Clogs, flip flops or slip on shoes without proper fasteners
Unusually light or heavy shoes.